Why list building is still the most popular type of ad objective

A few weeks ago I launched the No BS BS Club, which if you are not familiar with it, is a marketing membership but not as you know it. In the club you get access to weekly business brainstorm calls with me, all for less than lunch with friends. 

I’ll put the link in the show notes so you can find out for yourself what it is exactly. Right now it’s open to join as a founding member, but this ends at the end of August. 

So we’ve had a few calls with the club and it has been so much fun, and of course the ideas are never ending. In the club and also inside my ads courses I regularly do reviews for members. I review things such as their website, their email funnels, their advertising campaigns.

And that’s what I want to talk about today.

About how you can audit your own Facebook advertising campaigns to see if they’re performing well.

Tune in ?

No BS BS Club
ADvisory (for coaches, course creators and service providers)
eComm Expansion (for online stores)
How to set up a custom Facebook ad report


Connect with me

Website: www.newschoolofmarketing.com
Facebook: @newschoolofmarketing
Facebook group: @newschoolofmarketing
Instagram: @bianca_mckenzie


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Let’s be honest and upfront, because you know that’s what I’m all about. Podcast reviews are super important to iTunes and the more reviews we receive the more likely iTunes will reward us with better reach.

I want to reach more course creators, store owners and awesome business builders that can add extreme value to our awesome insiders. I already love that you’re here and ready to rock your business, but I’d be extremely grateful if you would review me on iTunes and SUBSCRIBE!

Can’t wait to teach you everything I know about online marketing!


Facebook Ads Success Bundle

Inside this FREE bundle I’ll show you exactly what you need to create and setup before you can start your ads.