
5 Steps to grow your mailing list authentically

By now we all know that having an email list is one of the best ways to grow your business. So numbers matter. What matters more though, is the type of people on your list. You don’t just want to be collecting names for the sake of it, so how you grow your list...

The one email you MUST send in your business

Whilst we’re on the topic of emails and email lists, I’d like to look at the one email that you absolutely must send in your business. I’m talking about the most important email you will ever send in your business, your welcome email. Not only does it show that they...

5 Irresistible opt-in gift examples

One of the main ways to entice people to sign up to your mailing list is to offer them something in return. This so called opt-in gift can be given in many different shapes and forms, the most used opt-in gifts being e-books, free videos and challenges. To grow your...

Social media in less than an hour a week

I’m part of a number of masterminds and forums and the main thing people seem to struggle with in using social media is the time it takes to create and distribute content. I totally get this struggle, even as a seasoned social media user and coach. I’ve been there,...