
Whilst we’re on the topic of emails and email lists, I’d like to look at the one email that you absolutely must send in your business.

I’m talking about the most important email you will ever send in your business, your welcome email. Not only does it show that they have indeed registered and it’s being acknowledged. You will also (if done right) indeed make your subscribers feel welcome.

Your welcome email will most likely have the highest open rate of any email you will ever send so you want to make sure that you start that relationship building and get their attention and loyalty.

If you’re using Mailchimp as your mailing list provider (and I suspect most others are the same) it will have a standard welcome email that goes out to your new subscribers. Whilst it confirms that they have subscribed, it’s not a very inspiring or welcoming email so you’d want to change it to be more welcoming and enticing.

Here are some ideas for your most important email:

  • Change the subject line to something more ‘you’
  • Learn how to put the bit of code in that adds your subscribers name (make it personal)
  • Remind them what they signed up for and what to expect next
  • Add your free opt-in gift (if you have one, and I recommend you do)
  • You could list your most popular blog posts
  • You could add some customer testimonials
  • Invite them to join you on social media

One little tip, don’t do all of the above. It’s best to keep it simple, warm and welcoming in your first email and not to overwhelm them with too much information. Give them one, maybe two, calls to action. Your main one should be for them to download the free opt-in gift.

Go welcome your subscribers, make them feel loved and reward them for joining you without giving it all away.

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