Why list building is still the most popular type of ad objective

In today’s episode I want to talk about 3 things successful online store owners do regularly.

Of course there are many more things they do, but I’m focusing on things that move the needle. Things that will make a difference to your sales and bottom line. 

These 3 things will make a big difference if you do them regularly – it’s the key to your store growth. 

Tune in today ?


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Facebook Ads Checklist

Inside this FREE master template I’ll show you exactly what you need to create and setup before you can start your ads.


Hey, welcome back to the podcast or if you’re new here, hello! You’ve just tuned in to the podcast all about marketing your business in this digital world. Here you’ll learn the latest about online marketing and digital advertising.

Last week we had some really cold nights, and I mean seriously cold…. You’d think that I’m used to it being from the Netherlands but it has been so long that I really have forgotten. I’m still acclimatising to Tasmanian winters haha. I do love the frosty nights though, it means that we get crisp sunny days and they’re just spectacular here. 

I often share my frosty morning pictures on Instagram stories so if that’s something you’re into, follow me on Instagram. I’ll pop the link in the show notes.

In today’s episode I want to talk about 3 things successful online store owners do regularly.

Of course there are many more things they do, but I’m focusing on things that move the needle. Things that will make a difference to your sales and bottom line. 

The first thing is that they know their numbers. They’re not afraid to dive into the analytics side of things to see what’s working and what isn’t. 

As an online store owner you simply can’t put your blinkers on and ignore your stats. You need to know on a day to day, week by week basis what your sales are, what your conversion rate is, how you’re going compared to last week, and against the same period last year. 

I completely geek out over this information and if you pay really close attention you’ll start seeing trends and stories. 

Knowing your numbers is super important if you want to know how your business is doing or if you want to make improvements. 

There are all sorts of numbers to know. In addition to sales and conversion numbers, you should also pay attention to your website statistics. Which pages are people visiting, how many are leaving straight away, how long are people on pages, how does this compare to your sales of those products, how many are adding to cart, how many are abandoning their cart etc.

It’s so important to know all of these numbers and compare them against industry benchmarks as well as your previous months and years.

You can only sell more or get better if you know where you’re at now.

The second one is that they review their website regularly.

There’s a reason for mentioning knowing your numbers first. Once you know your numbers, you can start making improvements. 

Successful online store owners regularly review their website, or they get an expert to audit their website, because they want to do better. That’s why it’s so important to know your website stats too. 

There are also other ways to look at how your website is performing, for example you could use a heat mapping tool that shows you where people spend the most amount of time on a page and where they’re clicking. For example, if you look at one of your product pages on a heat map and you see that people are spending lots of time reading the product descriptions and clicking around that area but they’re not purchasing that product, you might need to spend some time investigating why this is. It could be that your description isn’t clear enough and people are still having questions that have not been answered. 

Review your website regularly from a usability perspective, but also to make sure everything is still working. Technology isn’t a set and forget kind of thing, you need to make sure that everything is still working. If your sales are dropping, find out why. It could simply be that there’s a tech glitch and you’d hate to disappoint customers that are trying to buy your products.

I don’t have an online store anymore but even with my website there are issues that I sometimes didn’t know about. If my web host is doing updates or they’re making changes, I don’t always hear about it but my website may be affected (trust me, it has happened). So keep an eye on yours and regularly review it.

And the third thing that definitely deserves a mention is that they email their database regularly.  

If you have an online business, your email marketing list is your best friend. Email marketing has the highest ROI out of all marketing tactics and you really should be using it regularly. 

Some business owners are afraid to email their list regularly because they think it’s too much, but really, people sign up to hear from you and want to know what’s new or what special promotions you’re offering. 

And don’t be afraid to get unsubscribers. It’s part of business and those people were probably not going to buy from you anyway. Focus on those that ARE staying and want to hear about your store. 

Email has a high ROI and you should really be emailing your list weekly. That doesn’t mean that you should be running sales or promotions all the time, please don’t. And also don’t just email your list when you do have a sale and not send anything outside of sales periods because then you’re just training your audience to wait for your sales.

There are lots of things you can be emailing your list with. For example, new arrivals, collaborations, something you’re organising for a specific day (like national roller skating day – I don’t know, I’m making it up but there probably is a day for that). You can create emails with product combinations, tips on how to use something, other ways they can use your product, any bundles you’ve created and of course also focus on selling your product (without having a sale!). 

People are joining your email marketing list to stay in the know and get updates. They don’t just sign up to get sales emails, and it’s definitely not the only thing you want to be sending them.

So get creative, get to know your audience and stay in touch with them via email.

So there’s 3 things successful store owners do regularly. Here’s a little recap:

They know their numbers

They review there website 

And they email their database