
It can be quite frustrating and overwhelming to create beautiful images for your social media platforms, especially if you’re not a graphic designer. Even though I do have design skills and can work in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, I have been using Canva to create a lot of my images for social media because they have beautiful templates and it’s so super easy and quick to design an image!

Canva isn’t just for social media, you can design your blog images, Facebook cover images, Facebook ads, Twitter headers, Presentations, Kindle covers and much more! Like the images with inspiring quotes you see everywhere?  You can design your own in literally minutes!

I’ve created a short tutorial to show you how to create beautiful images for your social media platforms using Canva. I’ll show you the basics of picking a template, changing the font, choosing the background image and saving it for your social media platforms.

If you have any questions, send me a message! Join our newsletter to receive many more handy tutorials and tips regularly. If you create an image using this tutorial, I’d love to see it! Please send me the link to your image 🙂

Have fun creating beautiful images for your social media platforms!

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