
Eep!! It’s almost December and we’re getting awkwardly close to the silly season!

Can you believe it’s almost the end of the year 2014? Where did all that time go?

As a small business owner or entrepreneur, you have probably been super busy with holiday preparation, planning and marketing (at least I hope so). If you’re a bit behind, get on it… it’s Christmas before you know it.The silly season is a great time for small business owners and entrepreneurs if you are prepared and plan ahead.

Here are 5 holiday marketing mistakes to avoid this holiday season.

1) Neglecting social media

Even though the holiday season might be a lot slower and not as many people are around, it’s no excuse to neglect your social platforms. Marketing should be an all year activity and with scheduling tools you can make sure that your social media platforms aren’t neglected. If you’re away during the holiday season, people may forget about you. Whilst you don’t need to be on social media as much on family days like Christmas, you should still try to check in every day. To keep the content going and the inspiration flowing, utilize those scheduling tools. Oh, and don’t forget to give your platforms a festive make over too!

2) Not budgeting for advertising

The holiday season is one of your biggest opportunities to meet sales revenue goals before the year ends, so it’s important to factor advertising into your plans. Have clear goals in mind and use the right avenues for advertising. Think about the most prominent places and spend money on them. It’s all about getting eyes on your ads and to get them to click that button or come in store. It doesn’t just have to be online ads, you can also utilise direct mail/printed ads, opt-in emails, social media ads, and search engine ads. Marketing through smart, targeted advertising will help boost your brand’s exposure. Get them eyeballs on your wares!

3) Email marketing

Email marketing is the way to go at any time of the year, it’s where most of your sales will come from if you do it right. The holiday season is the absolute perfect opportunity to start enticing your subscribers, however, beware of the following mistakes.

  • Spam (don’t send them too much)
  • Shout out headlines (you still want to add value, not just SELL… oh and yes, don’t use capital letters)
  • Check your links (make sure you check each link in your email, especially if you are trying to direct them to your shop)

4) Be inclusive

Remember that you have loyal fans too, so don’t focus all your efforts on getting new clients and new sales. Often reaching out to those loyal followers and purchasers will bring you more return on investment. You may already be in touch with them regularly, by email and on social media. The holiday season is the perfect time to show them how much you appreciate them for supporting you.

5) Switch off

It’s time to switch off, take a deep breath and actually enjoy the holiday madness. Spend time with your family and recharge. Let automation do some of your work and only check in when you need to (and no, it’s not 24/7).

Are you ready for the holiday season? I’d love to hear what you’re doing this year to share your business love. What’s your holiday marketing plan like? Let us know in the comments below.

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