Protecting your Facebook ad account and getting your ads approved

In this episode, I talk about the two types of ads that you should be running all the time because they help grow your audience.

We dive into:

  • Video view ads
  • Social engagement ads

So we’re not talking about the only ads you should be running, but some ads that I think you should be running all the time in addition to retargeting ads. These ads help grow your audience and with a larger audience you have more retargeting options.

So why should you run video view ads?

First of all, Facebook loves video. They still do. Your video view ads will really help your audience see who you are and connect with you on a more personal level.

There is quite a bit of data available that shows that videos receive more clicks and 65% of users in the US say they watch video on Facebook every day.

Tune in to hear more ?

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Facebook: @newschoolofmarketing
Facebook group: @newschoolofmarketing
Instagram: @bianca_mckenzie


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Facebook Ads Checklist

Inside this FREE master template I’ll show you exactly what you need to create and setup before you can start your ads.


Hey, welcome to the podcast. 

I hope you’re safe and well. There has been a lot going on behind the scenes. 

In between daycare drop offs, client work and visiting little miss A’s lease pony, we’ve also been on a whirlwind trip to Tasmania. 

I’ll tell you a little bit of the back story. About a month ago my husband applied for a job in north west Tasmania and he was offered the role. So since then we’ve been house hunting and last week we purchased a house after a virtual inspection. Then on the weekend we flew to Devonport to sign the employment contract, visit our new house and explore the area.

We’re doing things in the wrong order but that’s ok, we’re happy. 

Sooooo, we’ll be moving to Tasmania soon. 

Ok, now let’s get into today’s episode topic. 

I want to talk about the two types of ads that you should be running all the time because they help grow your audience. 

  • Video view ads
  • Social engagement ads

So we’re not talking about the only ads you should be running, but some ads that I think you should be running all the time in addition to retargeting ads. These ads help grow your audience and with a larger audience you have more retargeting options. 

So why should you run video view ads?

First of all, Facebook loves video. They still do. Your video view ads will really help your audience see who you are and connect with you on a more personal level. 

There is quite a bit of data available that shows that videos receive more clicks and 65% of users in the US say they watch video on Facebook every day. 

The great thing about videos is that you can put them in the video library of your Facebook business page and then turn them into an ad, which gives your video a longer lifespan than just the duration of the ad.

The great thing about this is that your video will accumulate video views and this audience of viewers can be used as a retargeting audience. Even better is that it’s iOS 14 proof because it keeps the user on Facebook and it’s tracked accurately. 

Most of the time video view ads are cheaper to run and the engagement rate tends to be higher, which makes it a win win. 

If you’re building your audience and you want a bulletproof retargeting audience, video view ads are a great option.

What about social engagement ads?

We’re often spending quite a bit of time on our organic social media but we don’t really control who will see what we post. We’re basically at the mercy of the algorithms and while there are some things you can do to improve your reach and engagement it’s still a gamble. 

Instead of hitting that boost post, you can actually turn your social media posts into actual ads. 

Inside of Facebook ads manager there is an option to advertise for page engagement and select an existing post and turn it into an ad. 

One of the reasons to do it this way and not boost a post is that you have more control and more options for targeting. 

But why exactly would you run social engagement ads?

Well, like I said, you spend so much time posting organically, you may as well utilise the options to get your content seen by more people. 

Advertising your social media content is a part of building your audience and nurturing them before you ask them to take an action like joining your email list or purchase from you. 

Sure, you can advertise your products, program or services directly but a lot of the time people won’t buy from someone they’ve never heard of. 

Especially if the price point is higher or it’s a service and they’ll be working directly with you, they need some time to get to know you. Your social content can help with this, and ads can speed up the process. 

Rather than wait for people to find you on social media, you can set up some targeted ads to lookalike audiences or even cold audiences. As long as you know your ideal audience really well, you can set up your ads to be seen by them. 

The way I would approach this is by running a series of social engagement ads rather than just one. So for example, I’ve ran ads to Instagram posts that talk about the work I do, I’ve created ads to promote certain podcast episodes, I’ve ran ads to blog posts – anything that showcases me as a person and as a brand and the work that I do, but it’s low commitment from the person seeing the ad as I’m not asking them to sign up or purchase something.

From these ads, as well as your organic social media, you will be able to create social engagement audiences inside ads manager. What this means is that you are able to set up specific custom audiences of everyone who has engaged with your Facebook page and/or Instagram account. 

You can then use these custom audiences for retargeting or you can create lookalike audiences based on these audiences. 

So running social engagement ads helps you build your audience faster as well as building up a retargeting audience at the same time. 

To wrap up this episode, I really think that if you want to invest in building a solid audience for your business. It pays to run video view ads and engagement ads to not only grow your audience, but also as a way to nurture them so that they get to know you better and like and trust you. 

We know that in the world of small business, people buy from people. So the more you can do to create a relationship with them, the better. And Facebook ads can really help you speed this up, as well as give you data on how you’re doing.

That’s it for this week’s episode, I hope you’ll start building engagement and video view ads into your strategy.