Why list building is still the most popular type of ad objective

I’m not sure if you follow many Facebook ads managers or ads coaches, but because I show an interest in Facebook advertising and marketing I get served up a lot of ads by other Facebook marketers. 

And every so often I see an ad in which the ad manager guarantees a certain result. There are even ads that promote a deal where you don’t pay if they don’t get you results. 

Sounds amazing right?

I mean, who wouldn’t want a guarantee like that. It’s like a total win for you. 

Don’t get me wrong, I know why they do it. It’s super smart marketing. 

But they’re also wasting an awful lot of time. Yours mainly. And it just annoys me.

I’ll tell you why it makes me so uncomfortable and a bit angry when they promise and guarantee results. 

Tune in to hear more ?

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Instagram: @bianca_mckenzie


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Facebook Ads Success Bundle

Inside this FREE bundle I’ll show you exactly what you need to create and setup before you can start your ads.

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