
Survival tips for busy times

We’re all familiar with busy times. Whether you’re in a day job, have a family or are running a business, we all know what busy times are like. We juggle multiple commitments and go through the peaks and valleys of busy times and quiet times. There are times where we...

Interview with the Lucky Bitch

Eeeeeek! Can I just share my excitement here! I am sooooo excited about this interview with miss Lucky Bitch herself. Denise Duffield-Thomas, aka Lucky Bitch, is one of my favourite entrepreneurial mentors. I’d been following her from the sideline for a while after...

How reiki helped my business

Before explaining how reiki helped my business, I think I should explain what reiki actually is in case you’ve never heard of it. Reiki Australia describes it as “a non-invasive, gentle, yet powerful method of healing. Reiki energy, (often described as “universal life...

The one email you MUST send in your business

Whilst we’re on the topic of emails and email lists, I’d like to look at the one email that you absolutely must send in your business. I’m talking about the most important email you will ever send in your business, your welcome email. Not only does it show that they...

5 Blogs every business owner must read

We’re all busy bees, we all blog (or want to blog), we all want to keep up with information but how do you know where to start? Where do you find the best information for your business? Of course this could be industry specific and only you know where to find the best...

Work smarter, batch your tasks

Want to have more time (or at least think you do)? Try batching tasks! Rather than going from one task to the next, try to batch larger tasks together. For example, block out a large amount of time and write all your blog posts at once, or spend 2 hours scheduling...