
We’re all busy bees, we all blog (or want to blog), we all want to keep up with information but how do you know where to start? Where do you find the best information for your business?

Of course this could be industry specific and only you know where to find the best industry resources and information for your respective business. In terms of business information, I want to share some of my favourites and some of them might surprise you. Here are 5 blogs every business owner must read.

Shopify Blog

For great business advice, tips and tricks on growing your business and sales

Marie Forleo

For down to earth tips and advice on how to build a business and life you love

Leonie Dawson

For your dose of business tips infused with real life tips. You can’t get more real than this!

Duct Tape Marketing

For all your questions about marketing, and some great books too.

Lucky Bitch

For money mindset tips and really the first place to start when you’re in business.

Let’s do one more… just because I can…

This blog right here, the one you’re reading now!

For social media marketing, email marketing and blogging coaching, tips and tricks.

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