
Over the years I’ve created and shared many opt-in gifts, including – 5 Steps to Creating Strategic & Profitable Facebook Ads that Build Your Email List… without overwhelm or wasting money.. I’ve had some great feedback on it, and so thought I’d share some of my tips for creating a fantastic opt-in gift with you.

What’s an ‘opt-in gift’? It’s a valuable gift that you offer in exchange for someone’s contact details. An opt-in gift is often used to entice people to subscribe (or ‘opt-in’) to your newsletter list.

If you don’t get your opt-in gift right, or if you don’t have one at all, building your list (and business!) will most likely be much harder than when you have something free to give in return.

When you get your opt-in right, not only will your subscriber list grow much more quickly, you’re also more likely to easily attract your ideal client and build a relationship with them.

Before we move on, I’d like to add that an opt-in gift can be anything you want it to be. For example, your opt-in gift could be an ebook, a cheat sheet, a free video series, printable poster, an audio download, mini course, ticket to an event, samples or discount – or something else entirely.

Here are my 3 tips for creating your own fantastic opt-in gift:

1: Find out what your ideal client wants

What do your ideal clients value? Here’s some ideas: work faster, feel more organized, beauty, fresh ideas, diy, save money, connect to spirit, speed, feel healthy etc.


2: Determine how you can answer their wants and needs

How do they want to receive this answer? Here’s some ideas: as a downloadable PDF, a blog post, a video, a video series, a webinar, audio, a challenge, a course etc.

3: Create it and set it free

Create your opt-in gift, set up the required infrastructure such as a landing page, an opt-in form, linking it to your mailing list platform and designing images to promote it.

Now that it’s live, it’s time to promote it so that people can access your valuable opt-in gift.

Creating a successful opt-in offer that grows your list AND attracts new prospective clients is an irresistible opt-in offer that is so good, it makes you second guess yourself and consider charging money for it (something I’ve done in the past!). Your opt-in gift needs to solve a critical problem for your ideal client and deliver enough value that they wonder what the next step is.


Disclosure: Some articles on this site may contain affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Bianca McKenzie may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

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