
10 awesome opt-in gift ideas

You may have heard me talk about how important it is to grow your list. If you haven’t or you need a refresher, you can read back here, here, here and here. I think it’s pretty obvious that I’m passionate about building your list, but you might be wondering how...

6 Irresistible newsletter content ideas

Writing a weekly, fortnightly or monthly newsletter is a great idea but it’s not always the easiest to come up with content for your newsletter. The great writers among us generally don’t have a problem but the average entrepreneur can struggle with consistently...

What marketing really is

Over the years marketing seems to have become a bit of a dirty word and many entrepreneurs get an icky feeling as soon as the word is mentioned. I’m not entirely sure why but I have a sneaking suspicion that everything that gets put in front of us gets labeled as...

The no-excuses-reasons for building your email list

If you’re a business owner who has spent a bit of time online, you must have heard the phrase ‘you must build your mailing list’ a few times. You might wonder why, as it’s just another thing to add to the mountain of things you have to do for your business already....

5 Steps to grow your mailing list authentically

By now we all know that having an email list is one of the best ways to grow your business. So numbers matter. What matters more though, is the type of people on your list. You don’t just want to be collecting names for the sake of it, so how you grow your list...

5 Irresistible opt-in gift examples

One of the main ways to entice people to sign up to your mailing list is to offer them something in return. This so called opt-in gift can be given in many different shapes and forms, the most used opt-in gifts being e-books, free videos and challenges. To grow your...