
So, you’re running Facebook Ads?

That’s great! Facebook Ads is an amazing tool to grow your business.

IF you’re doing it right.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but if you’re not doing it right or you have no idea what you’re doing, you could be wasting a lot of money.


When running your Facebook ads, where do you send your audience?


Your Facebook page?

Your homepage?

A blog post?

With Facebook Ads you have the option to send them to a number of places, so it’s good to have an understanding of what you want each of these destinations to do.

As with any marketing activity, you need to have a goal in mind before you can determine whether your ad was actually successful or not. For example, if your goal is to get more people on your list and you send them to your homepage expecting them to find their way to your sign up form you probably won’t be getting the results you were hoping for.

I’ve been running ads for a while now and have found the following pages the best pages to send your Facebook Ads traffic to.

Landing page

This, in my opinion, is one of the best pages to send your Facebook ads traffic to. Creating a dedicated page for the action you want your audience to take, which can be an opt-in page for your freebie, a sales page for a product or course, a page that leads people to sign up for your challenge etc.

A landing page is a page that is dedicated to one purpose, there are no distractions, no menus, no ‘clickable’ links. Usually people have only one option, which is to sign up for your freebie, challenge, course, or buy your product.


Webinars are a wonderful way to connect with your audience. Sending your Facebook ads traffic to a page where they can sign up for your webinar usually works really well if you know your target audience likes webinars. This works in a similar way to a landing page, where you give people one option only which is to sign up for your webinar.

Even if your webinar has already happened, you can direct your Facebook ads traffic to receive the recording.

Webinars work well because it has a strong human element and people love connecting.

Blog post

If you’re running a Facebook ad to a blog post, make sure that you offer value and also that you have a call to action at the bottom of your blog post.

Blogs are a really good introduction for a ‘cold’ audience as it requires minimal effort from their side and they get a feel for your knowledge and expertise. It doesn’t require them to sign up to read anything and you get to showcase what you do and how you can help them.

Make sure that you always offer value. Only promote your best blog posts. Also, make sure you ask them to do something at the end (or even in the middle) of the blog post. We call this a call to action. This could be asking them to sign up for your free opt-in to get them on your list, or you could introduce them to an offer or way to work with you.

Whichever destination you pick, make sure that you have a clear goal and your strategy is aligned with your goal.

Happy FB Adding!

Disclosure: Some articles on this site may contain affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Bianca McKenzie may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.