
Are you a business running Facebook Ads? Have you had ads disapproved? Or worse, have you had your ads account suspended?

Sadly I’m seeing more people being locked out of their Facebook Ads account, or having their ads disapproved. Whilst Facebook (or its robots) is in control of your account, there are a number of precautions you can take to protect your Facebook Ads account so that it is less likely that you’re going to be booted out of your own page and account.

It’s definitely worth protecting, as Facebook Ads can greatly improve your business results.

I’m sharing 5 tips for protecting your Facebook Ads account, so that you can be more mindful of your activities and not have your account suspended.

1. Privacy policy on your website

he first tip is to add a privacy policy to your website. This isn’t just relevant for protecting your Facebook Ad, this is a must to protect your business. A privacy policy is something that outlays how you will use your reader’s information and how they and you are protected by the governing law.

2. Disable pop-ups on your page

Pop-ups are fabulous for collecting email addresses, but Facebook doesn’t like them. It’s a bit of a catch 22 as some pop ups are really effective for growing your list but when you’re running Facebook Ads you might just want to disable them. You can always switch them back on later.

3. Be mindful of your copy

Your copy, including your images, will be the first thing that captures your audiences eyes. Facebook wants to make sure that you use copy that is right for your audience and generally doesn’t like anything that has a negative tone to it. So you want to avoid sentences such as ‘are you sick and tired’ as this refers to a health related issue even though you might mean something completely different. Try to use positive language such as ‘would you like to’ and ‘are you dreaming of’. Avoid negative phrases, avoid the word Facebook and generally be mindful of what you’re writing.

5 tips for protecting your facebook ads account

4. Make it aligned

When setting up your ad, make sure that it aligns with your opt-in page. I.e. your ad must reflect what’s on your opt-in page and vice versa. You want to make it very obvious that your ad reflects what they’re getting when they sign up for your offer. Make sure your branding is consistent and your copy reflects what you’re offering in the ad.

5. Be mindful of your overall activity

Facebook monitors what you do on your pages and in your ads, so if your ads are disapproved a few times it increases the likelihood of being evicted from your account. So be mindful with what you put out there, read up on and stay current with Facebook’s advertising rules so that you’re less likely to upset Facebook.

If you’re having trouble with Facebook ads, send me a message and I might be able to help. I’m not an expert on how Facebook determines to ‘kick you out’ of your account (it seems to be a little bit random sometimes) but I can offer insights as to why your ads are not approved and help you with your Facebook Ads strategy. If you’ve already set up your campaigns but aren’t getting the results you were hoping for, we offer a Facebook Ads review service.