
Today’s post is a bit different, it’s a video blog. Video blogging is something that I’ve wanted to do for a while now but I kept putting it off. You know the feeling of ‘my hair doesn’t look good’, ‘I need a better camera’, ‘my backdrop doesn’t look good’, and so on and so forth. Today I decided that I have used enough excuses and I should really just get out of my own way, so I put my headphones in, turned on the camera on my computer and I just did it.

It’s by no means perfect, but it’s raw, honest and plain old me but I love it.

At this stage I don’t need the fancy make-up and recording studio, I just have to start and I suggest you do the same.

You know what actually gave me the much needed kick-up the butt? The third Conquer Camp video, which was all about content creation and that it doesn’t need to be perfect, it just needs to be put out there. So that’s what I’m doing today.

And what better topic than to speak about what investing in my business has done for me and my business.

Here’s a quick summary of the video, but for all the good stuff you really have to watch it.

What investing in my business has done for me:

  • Connections with amazing entrepreneurs around the globe
  • In a year’s time I have more than doubled my email list size
  • I’ve had speaking opportunities come to me
  • I’m now a guest expert in a number of programs
  • I’ve had webinar opportunities
  • I’m now a regular guest blogger for a number of blogs
  • and it has also grown my income

In the video I invite you to invest in yourself, in whatever way you need to at this moment in time. This could be in sales, mindset, money, marketing or a more general type of business support. I also invite you to check out the Conquer Club, an amazing one year business incubator. The Conquer Club is currently open for enrolment and I have a wonderful affiliate offer for you.

To find out more about this amazing offer, head over here!

Disclaimer: I’m a proud alumni of the Conquer Club, Natalie’s flagship program. Plus I just signed up for another year! If you decide to sign up for Conquer Club via my link, I may receive a commission from the sale.