
As a business owner, are you curious to know what the interest and favourite pages are of your tribe? Would you like to know? Because knowing means that you will always be able to post content they will love!

Or what about knowing which groups they have joined so that you can find others like them and build your Facebook community even further?

Facebook Graph Search can tell you just that.   Keep in mind that, since it’s launch, it has only been rolled out gradually, and has not yet reached many account holders. Lucky for us though, more and more users are getting access to it so be patient.

First things first…

What is Facebook Graph Search?

Graph Search uses the information that people store on their Facebook profiles to find out who or what connects them.  For a business owner and marketer, this is incredibly powerful, because it can help you target more of your ideal customer by finding out who and what your existing fans or friends are connected to and like.

Graph Search hasn’t rolled out worldwide as yet.  So, what can you do if you have an account where it hasn’t yet become a standard feature?

How Do I Use Facebook Graph Search?

It’s fantastic for business owners in searching for their ideal clients, competitors etc. My video gives you an example and here are some other searches you could try:

1.  Your fans’ interests

Use Graph Search to find out which hobbies and interests connect the fans of your business page or even a competitor’s page! You can then collate and create content that will appeal to your fans, based on the interests you know they have.

  • Favourite interests of people who like____________(name of your page/competitor)
  • Pages liked by women who like________________(name of your page/competitor)
2.  Competitor Research
  • Pages liked by fans who like ___________(name of your competitor’s page)
  • __________(type of business) in_________(location)
  • Pages similar to_____________(your Facebook page name)

How Do I Get It?

Easy, with this little trick!  I found a trick that will put Graph Search on your Facebook account no matter where you live! Simply go to your private profile, into your settings and change your language settings to ‘English US’.


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