On the weekend I was browsing small business websites and I came across something that really does makes me annoyed that so many businesses don’t do this. So today’s episode is brought to you by my annoyance (just kidding).
As I was browsing through these websites, I went to their about pages. In case you didn’t know this, your about page is one of the most frequently visited pages of your website.
I was on probably 4 or 5 different websites and looked at their about pages. Out of all of these websites only one, ONE, had this crucial element on their about page.
The rest spouted all generic ‘about us’ stuff that wasn’t even really about them, or about me, it was impersonal and I’m suspecting that their ‘us’ talk is one person hiding behind their website and trying to look bigger than they are.
Tune in to hear how you can improve your about page
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Hey, welcome or welcome back to the New School of Marketing Podcast. I hope you’re well and had a great weekend.
We didn’t really do much because the weather forecast wasn’t that great, but then it turned out quite nice. We did some home renovations that had been put on hold and my daughter completed lots of puzzles. She’s getting really good and sometimes I look at her doing her puzzles and I want to get mine out. I find that with a baby around I don’t really get to completely tune out and get proper down-time, but I also know that it’s temporary.
So as I had a sleeping baby on my lap and was watching my daughter do her puzzles, I was browsing small business websites. And today’s topic wasn’t a planned one, but one that really needs to be addressed.
I’ll try not to get too ranty, but it really does make me annoyed that so many businesses don’t do this. It’s such a missed opportunity.
So as I was browsing through these websites, I went to their about pages. In case you didn’t know this, your about page is one of the most frequently visited pages of your website.
Go and check your stats to see if it’s true for you. I’ll wait.
If you don’t have an about page, you’re really missing out.
Ok, so I was on probably 4 or 5 different websites and looked at their about pages. Out of all of these websites only one, ONE, had images of themselves on their about page.
The rest spouted all generic ‘about us’ stuff that wasn’t even really about them, or about me, it was impersonal and I’m suspecting that their ‘us’ talk is one person hiding behind their website and trying to look bigger than they are.
I get it, it’s easier to say ‘we’ versus ‘I’ but it really doesn’t do you any favours.
If you’re a one person business, the best thing you can do is be open about it and wear that badge loud and proud.
A little bit more about about pages… they’re not really about you or your team (if you have a team).
One of my favourite copywriters, Jay Crisp Crow, teaches that your about page needs to have a purpose. They also need to resonate with your reader (hah, have you heard me talk about your ideal client and how you need to know them really well?!) and it needs to move people through your site.
Your about page isn’t all about you. A good about page helps a potential client feel connected with you and your story so they know they’re in the right place. It’s a lot about them, but wrapped up in your story.
Anyway, back to that one thing that drives me nuts.
Most people will visit your about page, your stats will tell you this is true. The reason for this is that we’re nosy humans who want to know who’s behind the website we’re visiting.
So here I was on a Sunday afternoon, checking out these small business websites and when I went to the about pages I firstly was disappointed, and then I got mad. So that’s why we’re here, because you need to know this.
Are you ready, because here it is:
I know you might feel uncomfortable with this, I really understand. Having your photo on a website is probably the last thing you want, but trust me, your customers want to know who they’re dealing with, especially when they’re making high-risk or high value purchases.
If you’re a service provider like a web developer, web designer, copywriter, accountant, virtual assistant etc. you really must have an image of you on your website.
This is even more important now that most of us do business online and can’t meet someone face to face and look them in the eye. It’s much harder to get a ‘feel’ for someone, what they’re like and whether you can trust them.
So, a photo is a minimum requirement.
A video would be even better so people can really get to know you and get a feel for who you are and if they resonate with you.
Your photo (or video) is important because it helps establish trust. As a solo business owner, or even one with a small team, your brand and personality are linked.
So I titled this episode ‘the most important part of your about page’ and it’s a little bit tongue and cheek because you wouldn’t just put an image of you on your about page and be done with it, but it is super important.
While we’re on the topic of about pages, let’s also talk about what other elements to include so that your about page is working for you. Because you might think that it’s just a page to tell your story and treat it as not being important, but remember that I said that one of my favourite copywriters says that your about page must have a purpose? Think about what you want your about page to do?
Do you want to encourage people to book a call with you? Do you want to send them elsewhere on your website? What do you want people to do next?
So another very important element of your about page is to include a call to action. Tell people what you want them to do next.
Remember that your about page is not completely about you, it’s about your potential client but with your relevant storytelling so that they resonate with you. It’s also about building trust, so your about page should also include some aspects that give you credibility.
This could be social proof, testimonials, awards, media opportunities, guest blogs or podcasts, storytelling etc. The main focus should be to build trust and also to humanise your brand and get your customers to connect with the person and story behind the business.
Your homework for today is to go look at your about page and make some changes.
Firstly, add an image of you.
Honestly, do it.
Your next step is to make sure that you are leading your readers somewhere and give them the task to take the next step. Whether that’s to book a call, read another page or connect with you on social media, tell them what to do.
And also look at whether you have some social proof on your about page.
It’s a great page to tell your story in a way that resonates with your readers and confirm that you’re the one for them.