
Marketing is a funny beast. There is so much advice out there, there are so many methods. Some will resonate with you and some wont. It’s not rocket science and a lot of it is based on psychology.

I’m still a firm believer of doing what’s right for you but there’s one piece of advice I want to share and it’s in relation to word of mouth.

You know you’re doing a good job when most of your business growth is created via word of mouth, but please don’t fall into the trap of thinking that is all you need to do.

Most of the time this is what happens when I receive a referral for a service, and guess what, I’m no different than anyone else so they’ll be doing this too. When I receive a referral, I jump online to see what this person’s website is like, what they offer, what their credentials are and if they have a portfolio of some sorts.

In short, I want to know if they’re right for me.

So, are you online? Does your online presence match up with your personal and business presence? If not, I’m outta here.

It’s important to integrate your online and offline presence. I want to get to know you, so show who you are online.

Show the real you!

Not sure where to start? Maybe I can help… Download your 2 Page Online Marketing Plan to get started. 

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