You’ve heard me talk about how important it is to grow your email list. In episode 3 I talk about the importance of building an email list before launching and in this episode I’m going to give you 5 ways to build your email list through organic social media. You won’t need to spend a cent. Yes I know, I’m all about speeding up list growth with Facebook ads because that’s basically what it does, it lights a fire under your list building efforts. But, I’m also all about all the free options for list building because organic list building is the foundation for paid list building and the other way around. They support each other. So how can you grow your list with organic social media without spreading yourself too thin and trying to do all the things? So, let’s dive in.

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Instagram: @bianca_mckenzie


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Facebook Ads Checklist

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You’ve heard me talk about how important it is to grow your email list. In episode 3 I talk about the importance of building an email list before launching and in this episode I’m going to give you 5 ways to build your email list through organic social media.

You won’t need to spend a cent.

Yes I know, I’m all about speeding up list growth with Facebook ads because that’s basically what it does, it lights a fire under your list building efforts.

But, I’m also all about all the free options for list building because organic list building is the foundation for paid list building and the other way around. They support each other.

So how can you grow your list with organic social media without spreading yourself too thin and trying to do all the things?

The first thing you need to do is think about your ideal client. Where do they spend their time and how can you get in front of them in the best and easiest way possible?

Just because Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, TikTok and Twitter exist, doesn’t mean that you need to be on all of these platforms trying to get your client’s attention.

Pick one or two and do them well.
Pick the platforms where your ideal clients are most likely to hang out.

And then focus on list building on that platform.

So, let’s dive in.

Here are 5 ways and ideas to build your email list through social media without paying a cent.

Use a call to action for every piece of content you put out

It seems like a simple thing to do, but so many people share their lead magnet or freebie a few times on social media and then forget about it. Each time you post on your social media, no matter which platform you post on, you should be using a call to action.

This could be something direct and simple like ‘get my free guide via the link in my bio’, or ‘I’m hosting a free live training on this date, if you want to join me, register via the link – and then you insert the link’.

Or if you’re sharing free content like a blog post, you should refer to the blog post or other piece of content and then inside that blog post you can put a few links to your freebie so people can join your list.

My main point is that whenever you have an opportunity for a call to action, you should use it.

Use your social media headers

A lot of social media platforms have the option to put a visual header at the top of the page.

Think about your Facebook page, you Pinterest account, your twitter header. They are all platforms that have space for a header. Use this space to showcase your freebie and encourage people to click and sign up.

It’s like a virtual billboard, billboards stand out and should have a clear message with a call to action.

Optimise your bio

Many social platforms give you the opportunity to craft a bio and add at least one link. Use this space to highlight what you do, who you help and then put in a call to action for someone to download your free offer so that they land on your list.

You only get a little bit of space for your bio so you want to make it engaging and get people to click to learn more about you and your offer.

Go live and utilise video

Facebook owns both Facebook, Instagram and whatsapp. And right now Facebook loves video, stories and reels.

Use this to get in front of as many people as you possibly can, and don’t forget to use a call to action.

When you’re creating video, stories or reels you should think about what you’re trying to achieve and use it strategically. Create a number of videos, stories and/or reels with the aim of getting people to join your list.

Because Facebook loves video, stories and reels they will push that type of content in the newsfeed and explore features so you want to make the most of it.

Reuse and recycle

Your content doesn’t always need to be brand new content. You can definitely repurpose your content for multiple platforms, and you can even post it multiple times on the same platform.

For example, on Instagram you can post the same content if you leave a big enough gap. I keep a bank of content in my files that I can reuse and post again in the future.

Sometimes I put in a call to action to download my freebie, or if I’m hosting a live masterclass I will change the call to action to that.

We don’t need to reinvent the wheel, but we should keep focused on building our list and our community.

So, there you have it. These are my five tips on growing your email marketing list without spending a cent.

  • Here’s a quick recap:
  • Use a call to action (every single time)
  • Use your social media headers
  • Optimise your bio on your various platforms
  • Go live and utilise video
  • Reuse and recycle your posts

Always focus on growing your list and your community.

That’s it for today’s episode.